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Brazilian Butt Lift and a Breast Augmentation, are Combined Procedure Recommended?

This is a very common question in my practice. It is hard for most patients to take too much time of work and they want to make the most of their time off. They also just want to get everything done at one time.

If the patient is only having a breast augmentation with no lift I would do them at the same time. If they need a lift or other breast work beyond the standard breast augmentation they would need to do them in separate settings. I do this for several reasons:

  1. I limit my surgeries to about five hours as it decreases the risks of surgery.
  2. I do not let patients sit for two week after their Brazilian Butt lift to protect the fat that has been transferred.
  3. If I need to do a breast lift or other internal breast work I don’t want patients to lay on the fresh incisions lines immediately after surgery.

I hope this helps, discuss it with your board certified plastic surgeon, or call us today to schedule your initial consultation.