Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) continues to be a hot topic. There have been some recent articles that the era of the BBL is over and that could not be further from the truth. The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure continues to evolve, as do patients’ desires and requests, which has pushed us to the new era of the Modern Brazilian Butt Lift. We believe it is important as plastic surgeons to be sensitive to societal trends to help patients achieve the best result possible from their fat transfer procedure.
The Brazilian Butt Lift evolution has gone from making the buttock as large as possible to the Modern Brazilian Butt Lift, which focuses on the shape and form of the buttock. The modern BBL has also taken a more holistic approach to body transformation, including high-definition liposuction, cellulite treatment, and skin tightening procedures. In the past, plastic surgeons and patients placed their priorities on transferring as much fat as possible into the buttock to increase the size of the buttock. Now, the majority of our patients desire a more athletic, smooth shapely buttock.

This new aged athletic modern buttock comes from addressing all three components of the buttock and legs:
- Skin Laxity
- Cellulite
- Volume Loss
The modern Brazilian Butt Lift involves an evaluation of all three components of the buttock so that each can be treated to improve the overall shape of the butt. In the past, we mainly focused on the volume of the buttock, and while that can have a powerful effect on the buttock, it can create a buttock that may be larger than patients currently desire and still result in a less-than-desirable shape to the buttock. When we truly evaluate and address all three components of the buttock, we can create a youthful and athletic-appearing buttock without over-volumizing the buttock.
The weight loss revolution has profoundly affected Brazilian Butt Lift procedures. While semaglutide has been one of the most influential medications to be introduced in the United States in my lifetime, it will change the appearance of our body, including the buttock. The Skinny Shot has been life-changing for many of our patients on their weight loss journey. However, this change in weight can have an effect on our patients’ aesthetic body as well. We, unfortunately, cannot control where we lose weight and volume. One area we can lose volume is our buttocks, which can affect the shape and form of the buttock. Many of our patients who have been on Semaglutide therapy and are interested in a BBL are looking to restore the shape and volume they lost during their weight loss journey. Adding volume to the buttock can help lift and shape the buttock to give it a very natural and athletic appearance to the buttock. The use of technology such as the ultrasound has increased our precision during fat transfer to allow us to safely sculpt the buttock.
The second component of the modern Brazilian Butt Lift is treating skin laxity. In the past, we only thought of a BBL as fat transfer and, thus, a volume-adding procedure, but this has evolved. Treating the skin laxity in the buttock and legs is critical to creating an athletic youthful appearing buttock. Radiofrequency energy devices are the most common non-surgical methods for treating skin laxity in the buttock and thighs. Many of our patients will undergo cellulite and RF microneedling (Vivace or Morpheus 8) prior to surgery to prepare the legs and buttocks for their BBL. During surgery, we can combine more invasive Radiofrequency skin tightening treatments such as Renuvion or BodyTite. These two treatments apply RF energy under the skin and can further treat skin laxity in challenging areas. In patients with more significant skin laxity, a surgical excision of the excess skin may be necessary to improve the overall appearance of the buttock. The diagnosis and treatment of skin laxity as part of the modern Brazilian Butt Lift is critical to creating an athletic, youthful buttock.
The third component of the modern Brazilian Butt Lift is the treatment of cellulite. Cellulite has been an issue for women for years; however, there were limited great options for patients. They often felt there was nothing they could do to improve the overall contour of their buttock. The dimpling caused by the fibrous septae of the buttock can limit the athletic appearance of the buttock after a BBL. Typically cellulite can be treated prior to your BBL, at the time of your surgery, or after the BBL. A subcision is the most common treatment method for cellulite. A new device called Aveli was recently introduced that uses a light-guided probe to release cellulite bands, then verify that the bands had been released. The release of these fibrous bands will treat the dimples and improve the overall contour of the buttock. Fashion trends of leggings and smaller bikinis have continued to increase the demand for an improved contour of the buttock.
The Modern Brazilian Butt Lift is a paradigm shift from patients wanting the largest butt possible to a desire for an athletic, tight, youthful-appearing buttock. Addressing volume loss, skin laxity, and cellulite will be key to helping patients achieve their desired appearance. As technology has improved with innovations such as the ultrasound for fat transfer and Aveli for the treatment of cellulite, so have the results from our modern Brazilian Butt Lift.
The weight loss revolution has created a unique population of patients that have lost a moderate amount of weight and are interested in a modern Brazilian Butt Lift and will often need a multi-modality approach to help them achieve their goals. When we approach the buttock holistically, addressing the skin laxity, cellulite, and volume loss, we can achieve a Modern BBL that restores the volume of the buttock while maintaining a youthful, athletic appearance to the buttock. Call today to discuss your goals with our team.