Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

Aging is natural, but that does not mean your skin has to show it! As we get older, we naturally lose volume in some areas and form wrinkles in others. But you can rewind the clock — or even get ahead of these issues! Enhance your natural beauty with RADIESSE® injections: the solution to smooth lines and plump your skin for a youthful, rejuvenated look.
RADIESSE® is unique as an FDA-approved calcium hydroxylapatite, or CaHA, injectable: this special gel carrier immediately adds structure to the lower face and hands. But it also stimulates ongoing collagen and elastin production in the skin, important chemicals for your dermal framework, that can improve volume and contour for a year or more. You’ll still be your beautiful self, just with a boost!
This treatment provides two formulas to choose from, both of which create non-surgical results that highlight and enhance your features. RADIESSE® targets facial wrinkles and folds like smile lines, chin wrinkles, and corners of the nose and mouth. RADIESSE® (+) corrects volume loss and an aging look in other areas, including the back of your hands. During your initial consultation, our experts help you determine which option is right for you based on your aesthetic goals.
As a RADIESSE® provider with a highly trained and experienced staff, we go above and beyond to create a comfortable and safe experience for you with the dramatic results you’ll love! Austin Plastic Surgeon MedSpa has built a reputation for excellence that we strongly uphold in everything we do. We’ll take our time to get to know you, deliver the beautiful results you deserve, and tailor your care throughout the procedure and aftercare for total peace of mind.
No matter your age, RADIESSE® puts you in control of your look. If you’re an adult facing signs of aging, want to achieve a stunning profile, bring out the contour of your face, define your cheeks, or renew your hands, then choosing RADIESSE® could provide the difference you’ve been waiting for! Just schedule a consult with one of our aesthetic experts and we’ll confirm which RADIESSE® is right for you.
What RADIESSE® Treats
Instant beauty is nearly here! Our RADIESSE® injections take no longer than 15 minutes to administer, with results you can immediately see in the following areas: [Wrinkles & Folds in the Face], [Mouth & Nose], Jaw Augmentation, Hand Rejuvenation
Minimal Downtime
RADIESSE® elevates your beauty with no significant downtime required. You may experience brief redness or swelling at the injection site, but you can resume your normal activities following the procedure.
Outstanding, Long-Lasting Results
Immediately after the injection, the lines and wrinkles in your face will appear smoother and your features more defined! Thanks to the continuous improvement brought on by stimulated collagen and elastin production, these gorgeous results typically last a year or more.