Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

Kybella (deoxycholic acid) injections are an exciting new non-surgical treatment that can be used to treat the excess fat that we have in our sub-mental area (the fat under our chin). It treats sub-mental fullness, sometimes referred to as the “double chin.” Kybella destroys fat cells when injected into the sub-mental area. Kybella in Austin is an option for patients with good skin who want to avoid surgery. This gives patients an in-office option for treating this trouble spot.
Ideal Candidate
- You want to enhance the appearance of your chin and neck.
- You are in good physical and emotional health.
- You have realistic expectations of the result possible with Kybella.
- You have excess adipose tissue of the chin and neck, but minimal to no skin laxity.
Treat your double chin with Kybella in Austin. Our team can create a custom treatment plan that fits your needs. Call now to discuss this treatment and your aesthetic goals with us.