Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

The Brazilian Butt Lift continues to be one of the most popular procedures in the United States. The ideal BBL shape and size have continued to evolve over the past several years. When Brazilian Butt Lifts first started the goals were to make the waist as small as possible and the butt as large as possible. While these are still an integral part of a Brazilian Butt Lift it is not the only aspect, it also has become a very individualized procedure based on the specific patient desires and goals. There has been a trend of Brazilian Butt Lift Reversal in Austin. This can stem from a change in aesthetic goals to changes in weight and other personal factors.
The modern Brazilian Butt Lift encompasses much more body contouring and shaping of the waist and buttocks. Most of our patients are looking for an overall shape improvement and not an isolated butt enhancement. At Austin Plastic Surgeon we take a holistic approach to the butt and torso to improve the overall appearance and shape. This includes contouring the waist, lifting the buttock, and improving the contour of the buttock (cellulite).
BBL Modern Approach
A modern approach to the buttock evaluates several items:
Skin laxity
This can be addressed by increasing the volume of the buttock with fat transfer, and skin tightening devices such as Renuvion or surgical butt lifts. This depends on the amount of skin laxity present in the buttock area
A Brazilian Butt Lift does not improve cellulite. At Austin Plastic Surgeon we have developed the Boom Boom Booty where we address the cellulite with Aveli prior to the butt augmentation with fat or an implant. This allows for an improved shape of the buttock from both a contour and projection standpoint.
Contour Deformities
Not all contour deformities of the buttock are from cellulite, and this is important to evaluate during your consultation as volume replacement can help improve these deformities. Fat transfer is the most common method to improve the deformities, but for small contour deformities Sculptra and dilute Radiesse can be used to improve the overall shape.
We have often thought about liposculpting to enhance our waist. This can be from high-definition liposuction to making the waist as small as possible to create an hourglass figure. However, the liposculpting can also be used to shape the buttock.
Brazilian Butt Lifts in Austin continues to evolve and so does our approach to a first surgery and reversals. One of the trends in BBL surgeries was to make butts as large as possible. Many of our patients wanted to have as much projection and volume as possible in the buttocks. While many of our patients want to increase the projection and shape of the buttocks, they still want the buttocks to be proportional to their legs and their body as a whole.
Reasons for a BBL Reversal
As time has progressed, patients’ aesthetic goals and desires changed as well. The BBL reversal has become a very hot topic in Austin in the past couple of years. There are several factors that have led to this desire for a Brazilian Butt Lift Reversal:
Changing Aesthetic Goals
Similar to breast implants, sometimes patients are at a different stage in their lives and no longer want to have a large buttock or a buttock that is not proportional to their legs and overall body frame.
Weight Gain
During Covid, many of us gained a significant amount of weight. When a Brazilian Butt Lift is performed an individual’s own fat is transferred to the buttock. This fat still acts like your own body fat. If you lose weight the butt gets smaller, if you gain weight the buttock will get bigger.
Body Balancing
The concept of body balancing has emerged. When Brazilian Butt Lifts first started patients and surgeons often wanted the butt as large as possible, thus the butt enhancement was done without consideration of the legs or the entire body. Patients and surgeons are much more aware of the concept of body balancing so that the butt is in proportion with the legs, shoulders, and hips.
BBL Reversal Treatment Options
There are several options for a Brazilian Butt Lift Reversal. Some of these treatments can be done in isolation while others will be completed as combination treatments. In the majority of instances, patients can be treated very effectively with these methods to help them achieve a smaller perky buttock.
Fat Reduction with Liposculpting
This is the most common method to reduce a Brazilian Butt Lift. Fat can be removed with liposuction from the buttock. Discussion is had with the patient to make clear goals on the desired aesthetic outcome. The fat can be removed from these specific areas to improve the overall shape of the buttock. It will take time to see the final results as the excess fat is removed from the buttock and then the patient is placed in a compression garment to help shrink and support the buttock.
Skin tightening is often combined with liposculpting as we want to make sure patients have an incredible shape to the buttocks. It is the art of making the buttock smaller while still maintaining a great shape to the buttock. The butt is sculpted with liposuction and then the RadioFrequency energy from Renuvion (J-Plasma) is applied to the skin to help lift and tighten the buttock. This improves the shape of the buttock while the size is reduced with liposculpting.
Butt Implant Removal/Replacement
Some patients had a butt implant placed to increase the size of the buttock and provide projection to the buttock. A buttock implant is incredible in its power to provide projection and shape to the buttock, however, if the implant is too large it can be disproportionate to the legs and body. The implant can be removed in its entirety or exchanged for a smaller implant. Techniques have evolved that improve the appearance of the buttock after implant removal or allow the decrease in size of the buttock implant.
Surgical Butt Lift
In rare cases where patients have an extremely large buttock or significant ptosis to the butt patients may need a butt lift surgery. This would remove the excess skin and adipose tissue. The benefit of this surgery is that it allows your surgeon to remove a significant amount of skin and fat to decrease the size of the butt and improve the overall shape.
Combination Therapies
Often patients in Austin will need combination treatments to help them achieve their desired BBL reversal results.
In general, patients can return to work in within one to two weeks after the procedures. The recovery is typically much easier than the original surgery as most Brazilian Butt Lift protocols have patient off their butt for 6 or more weeks. Most of the treatments for a butt lift reversal have very limited restrictions on sitting.
Contact Our Office About a Brazilian Butt Lift Reversal in Austin
A Brazilian Butt Lift is an incredible procedure to transform the shape of an individual, giving them an athletic hourglass figure. However, as personal and aesthetic goals change occasionally patients want to change the size of their buttocks as well. Contact our surgeons to discuss your options for a Brazilian Butt Lift reversal in Austin.