Male Procedures

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

Male Procedures

Plastic surgery historically has catered to women and female aesthetics however that paradigm is changing and there are so many options for men in the world of plastic surgery. The shift in plastic surgery has entailed an overall sense of wellness that includes body sculpting, muscle mass building, hormones, peptides and overall improved health. Men have so many options to improve their overall wellness and appearance. Curated surgeries and non-surgical treatments that contour and refine the male physique can be essential to feeling more confident about your body, and procedures like tummy tucks, liposuction, high definition sculpting and gynecomastia treatment can transform a male patient’s build.

At Austin Plastic Surgeon, our team of experienced surgeons and medical professionals perform all major cosmetic procedures and aesthetic treatments. Located in Austin, San Antonio, and West Lake Hills, TX, our practice offers empathetic and attentive care to each of our patients, regardless of their gender. Whether you seek complete body contouring or efficient ways to get fit and stay fit, we encourage you to reach out and schedule a private consultation with us.

Please call (512) 253-2845 or (726) 215-7058 to contact us directly, or fill out our online form to get started.

Surgical Procedures for Men

Recent trends show that more men are interested in plastic surgery than ever before. Millennials are leading the charge according to a 2022 study about the measurable increase in male procedures. This up tick is not surprising, as more and more men seek to achieve their body goals with effective surgical, minimally-invasive, and non-invasive techniques. The majority of surveyed men said that they received cosmetic surgery to improve their body image and feel better in their own skin. (1)

Male patients often seek body contouring, weight loss, hormone balancing and muscle toning to improve their overall health and appearance. Men often want to create a structured, chiseled appearance. This appearance can come from improving muscle tone, weight loss and body sculpting.. Three popular surgical procedures that accomplish this are liposuction, male tummy tucks, MyEllevate, Blepharoplasty, Muscle Enhancement and gynecomastia treatment.


With liposuction, your Austin Plastic Surgeon utilizes thin tubes called cannulas to safely remove stubborn fat from problem areas such as the abdomen, flanks, arms, and thighs. Traditional liposuction methods use tumescent fluid to infiltrate the treatment area, breaking up the fat cells to make them easier to remove. They then use suction to target these specific pockets of tissue and easily extract them. This procedure slims and sculpts areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

With the introduction of ultrasonic energy, VASER Hi-Def liposuction emits high-frequency sound waves to break up the fat and prepare it for removal. Our surgeons insert the VASER probe just beneath the skin after infiltration and can target very specific and small sections of tissue. VASER technology emulsifies the targeted fat cells, then the surgeon suctions out the liquified tissue without causing damage to surrounding anatomical structures. We can perform this highly effective procedure to accentuate certain muscle groups in the abdomen for a coveted “six-pack’ look, as well as accentuating musculature in the legs, chest, or arms. Patients can customize their treatment to fit their goals.

Male Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are not just for women after pregnancy. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tissue from the abdomen to improve a patient’s body contour, whether they are male or female. After massive weight loss, whether due to persistent diet and exercise, or weight loss medications like semaglutide or tirzepatide, patients often have large amounts of extra loose skin and residual fat around the abdomen and sides. Your Austin Plastic Surgeon will perform a tummy tuck to safely remove this tissue and restore strength to the midsection.

They start the procedure by making a long incision along the lower waist from hip to hip. Next, they undermine the skin and tissue along the abdomen wall. While preserving the belly button, they extract the excess skin and may suture the abdominal muscles back to their original position if they have separated. The surgeon then sutures the abdomen in layered stages, starting at the deep fascia to prevent tension on the external incision. (2)


To restore a male patient’s face and expressions, our plastic surgeons commonly perform blepharoplasty to enhance the eye contour. Also referred to as an eyelid lift, this procedure removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper and/or lower eyelid to reshape the area. During upper eyelid surgery, the surgeon places an incision along the natural crease of the upper lid. They navigate to the internal fat deposits located by the nose and long the eyelid, then remove the sections that have lapsed over time. This debulks the lid and allows them to remove sagging skin to rejuvenate the entire eye.

A lower eyelid lift procedure starts with an incision either inside or outside of the eyelid along the lash line. Your surgeon then once again makes their way toward the fat pads, removes any excess tissue, then closes the incision with a precise running suture. This procedure can greatly restore the eye shape, often improving a patient’s field of vision and overall self esteem.


MyEllevate is a minimally invasive neck lifting procedure that addresses sagging tissue and skin underneath the chin and jawline without the need for incisions. This procedure uses a special puncture tool to make tiny openings in the skin along the jawline and chin, with two additional punctures behind the ears. Next, your surgeon uses a clearing tool to detach the skin from the dermal attachments.

They then weave a permanent suture through the punctures to tighten and recontour the entire neck area. To improve the jawline, contour the neck, and rid patients of excess bulk under the chin, MyEllevate provides male patients with a neck lift without the long scars. This is a great option for these patients as they often have limited hair to hide traditional scars from face and neck lift procedures.


One of the most common reasons male patients seek surgery is for a condition called gynecomastia. This refers to enlarged male breast tissue which can result in an overly-feminized chest appearance. It often causes great emotional discomfort and body image issues, and can negatively affect clothing fit and comfort.

Your Austin Plastic Surgeon performs ultrasonic liposuction to reduce male breast tissue and permanently remove it to even out and masculinize the chest contour. The surgery requires small incisions that easily blend into a patient’s body shape and rarely need sutures. Some patients with more extreme gynecomastia may need excision of the gland and skin for optimal results.

Post-Ozempic Face & Body Contouring

“Ozemic Face”, “Ozempic Butt”, and “Ozempic Body” are all recently-coined terms that describe what happens to some patients’ bodies after using weight-loss medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide. Excess skin that cannot recoil back is a common problem that can be alleviated with several targeted treatments. These include:

Non-Surgical Treatments for Men

We offer many minimally invasive and non-surgical treatments that can help men attain a more sculpted body without the need for incisions. These include our medical weight loss program, cosmetic injectables, microneedling, and several energy-based treatments that add structure and tone to the body.

Before creating the treatment plan, we perform all the necessary labs to initiate a wellness check. This process happens during the private consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. We run blood tests to determine overall health, check hormone levels, and to better understand a patient’s medical and cosmetic needs. After this appointment, we can start your wellness plan on the right foot.

Medical Weight Loss

Austin Plastic Surgeon’s medical weight loss program helps patients to combine the use of medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide with dietary and lifestyle interventions to achieve a healthier weight. Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that helps regulate appetite and blood sugar levels, leading to weight loss. Tirzepatide is a dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and GLP-1 receptor agonist that also aids in weight loss by reducing appetite and improving insulin sensitivity. As part of a professionally-monitored and personalized treatment plan, our male patients can achieve significant, safe weight loss that can improve their overall quality of life.

Skin Tightening

Especially for our weight loss patients, skin tightening can be one of the most requested improvements at Austin Plastic Surgeon. Our providers perform radiofrequency microneedling with Morpheus8 to increase collagen and elastin in our patients’ skin. The process only takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete, leaving minimal irritation. You are free to return to your daily activities after this treatment. Over time, the collagen in your skin increases and it starts to tighten. For best results, we recommend maintenance treatments every 6 to 8 weeks.

Sofwave is an ultrasonic treatment that can tighten skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and lift the eyebrows, submental, and neck area for comprehensive facial rejuvenation. It is non-invasive and gentle while still achieving noticeable results for the patient. Our providers simply pass the Sofwave wand over the skin to quickly expose it to targeted ultrasonic energy. This heats the dermal tissue to an even, specific temperature to initiate thermal damage. As the dermal layers heal, collagen increases and the skin’s texture and tone improves.

Muscle Maintenance

We are currently in a weight loss revolution. The goal of reaching a healthier weight is thrilling, but many male patients require extra help to maintain their muscle mass while achieving their weight loss goals. At Austin Plastic Surgeon, we offer many natural and efficient treatments to assist you along the way.

Sermorelin is a peptide that stimulates your growth hormone production. This encourages the body to burn more fat and replace it with muscle. This treatment greatly improves your muscle mass, energy levels, and the natural processes inside your body with simple injection or nasal spray applications. To further regulate your hormone levels and support the building of muscle, we also offer Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). For patients with depleting testosterone levels, TRT replenishes this important hormone to increase your longevity, sex drive, and ability to keep weight off and muscle mass on.


The jawline is one of the most important and noticeable aspects of a male patient’s face. To enhance its contour and create youthful-looking and strong angles, we offer dermal filler treatments. To enhance the jawline, we use HA fillers to add volume to specific areas. This treatment utilizes fillers from the following lines:

Muscle Tox

To better define certain muscles in the body, muscle tox involves injecting neurotoxins into areas that a patient wants to slim. Neurotoxins are popular cosmetic injectables that we typically use to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. Muscle Tox utilizes Daxxify, Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport to slim the calves, the lower half of the face, the trap muscles, and to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face. This treatment can also decrease neck and shoulder tension as your provider uses ultrasound to visualize specific muscles and increase accuracy.


EMSCULPT combines the power of HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) energy to contract muscles and permanently remove fat cells from the body. We use EMSCULPT to shape the abdomen, buttocks, arms, thighs, and calves. By continuously contracting the muscle groups, patients have a better chance of developing noticeable and long-lasting muscle mass.

Pure Impact

To smooth current muscles and enhance their appearance, Sofwave’s Pure Impact is a noninvasive treatment that stimulates muscles. Your provider simply attaches electrodes to the muscle groups you want to enhance, then sends energy into the area to simulate exertive exercising. The muscle contract, which strengthens and improves their overall tone and shape.

We guide you through your treatments to make sure you get the most out of this personalized program.

Benefits of Male-Centric Cosmetic Procedures

Male procedures and treatments at Austin Plastic Surgeon can:

  • Contour the midsection
  • Remove exercise-resistant fat
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Accentuate and masculinize features
  • Slim certain areas of the body
  • Define muscle groups
  • Improve overall body shape
  • Help you maintain a healthy body weight
  • Achieve long-lasting results
  • Rejuvenate facial features
  • Contour the jawline/chin

Ideal Candidates

The ideal candidate for cosmetic procedures at Austin Plastic Surgeon should be in overall good health. If your BMI is above the recommended guidelines, we can help you achieve your goal weight through our weight loss program. We require those who smoke to quit all tobacco and nicotine use at least 4 weeks before their surgery date. You should have realistic and achievable expectations about your cosmetic desires. If receiving body contouring procedures like liposuction or a tummy tuck, you should be at a stable weight that you can maintain long after your surgery for optimal results.

Personal Consultation at Austin Plastic Surgeon

During your private consultation with your surgeon, they will ask you questions about your medical history to determine your candidacy. After performing a comprehensive physical examination, your surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. You will have plenty of time to ask questions and explain your cosmetic concerns during this appointment. Your surgeon will then go through a step-by-step explanation of your treatments to make sure you are well-prepared before scheduling your surgery date.


Before any cosmetic surgery, patients should complete the following tasks:

  • Stop smoking (eg. tobacco, nicotine)
  • Avoid NSAIDS (eg. aspirin)
  • Avoid supplements (eg. vitamin E)
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Pick up new prescriptions
  • Prepare easy/quick meals
  • Prepare your home
  • Arrange transportation

Recovery & Results

Your total recovery time is highly dependent upon the procedures outlined in your treatment plan. We provide very detailed post-operative instructions. Our team will explain your specific recovery details at length during your private consultation.

Furthermore, the final results of cosmetic procedures may not be visible until long after you receive treatment. You may experience extended swelling or bruising that interferes with your results. They will become more visible as these subside throughout recovery. You will receive specific instructions regarding your preparation and recovery to ensure you achieve the most effective results.

Cost of a Male Tummy Tuck in Austin

Each patient receives a specific procedure plan that addresses their areas of concern. To receive a cost estimate, please schedule a consultation with us by filling out this form. You may also call our Austin and West Lake Hills locations at (726) 215-7058, or our San Antonio office at (512) 253-2845 to take the first step.


What is the most common plastic surgery requested by men?

For both men and women, liposuction is the most common cosmetic procedure in the US.

Can a man get a tummy tuck?

Absolutely! Tummy tucks are not exclusive to women. They are performed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, tighten the abdominal muscles, and improve overall abdominal contour, and whether you are a man or a woman, you can choose to undergo this procedure. Men may choose a tummy tuck for various reasons, including weight loss, aging, or to achieve a more toned and defined abdomen.

How much time will I need to take off of work after plastic surgery?

Recovery times differ depending on the procedure. You should expect to take at least 1 week off of work for most surgeries, and possibly longer for procedures like a tummy tuck.

Can men get facelifts or other popular facial surgeries?

Of course! Male patients can benefit just as much as female patients from receiving a facelift. No matter the underlying bone structure, each facelift is customized to the individual’s needs and anatomy.

Do male cosmetic procedures lead to natural results?

Yes, plastic surgeons are highly trained to understand the intricacies of the human body. This allows them to produce effective, yet natural results.


  1. Lem M, Pham JT, Kim JK, Tang CJ. Changing Aesthetic Surgery Interest in Men: an 18-Year Analysis. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2023;47(5):1-6. doi:
  2. Regan JP, Casaubon JT. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck). PubMed. Published 2020. Accessed April 30, 2024.